Has Drink Got the Best of You?

1 octubre 2019

“Alcoholism is the only disease that you get yelled at for having.” – Mitch Hedberg

Lonely Alcoholic image 2

Living in a holiday destination means that every single day you are living a perfect, privileged and rarefied existence… and if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you. Despite the indisputable fact that Mallorca is a fantastic place to live, it’s not perfect, nor is every day a holiday. Unfortunately, for some people, they begin to live as if it were.

That daily habit of going to meet people at the local bar for a sundowner is all very innocent. At least it starts out that way. Before long, habit becomes need and need becomes addiction.

If you think your drinking may be a bit out of hand, or you are concerned for someone you know, read on. Affordable Mallorca will show you what the signs of trouble are, fill you in on the facts about alcoholism on the island and let you know where you can go for help. You’re not alone and there are places you can go

Drinking problem alcohol problem

Facts on Booze Intake #

The World Health Organisation ranks Spain at the top of the list for life expectancy and good health in the EU. That title may soon be in jeopardy. Alcoholism, along with obesity and smoking, are on the rise may destroy the good life we all enjoy.

Spain’s National Drug Plan estimates alcohol use at 11.2 litres per person annually, which is twice the global average and above the 10.9 litre average for Europe. Nearly half of Spain’s youth drink. But it’s not just the kids getting blotto, it’s a national phenomenon with more than 37% of the population over 15 drinking to excess on a fairly regular basis and an estimated 60,000 people on the Balearics who suffer from full blown alcoholism.

Wine By Country Infographic

Effects on the Body #

If you’ve ever drank, chances are you’ve experienced a hangover at least once. Hangovers are the body’s way of telling us we are poisoning it and dehydration is the least of the problems. Heavy drinking on a regular basis can do all sort of nasty things to the body. It is linked to high blood pressure, blood clots, malnutrition, stroke, memory lapses, liver failure, several cancers, dementia, heart disease, pancreatitis, and the list goes on.

These bouts of alcohol use are damaging not only to the body but the mind as well. Depression, “creeping fears” (when you wake in a panic and not know what you’ve done), and shame all factor in, making a an already bad situation worse.

Alcoholic Anonyouse

How do I Know if I’m Drinking Too Much #

There are reg flags that can help you recognise if your drinking is out of hand…or getting there.

  1. Hiding or lying about consumption
  2. Using booze to cope with stress or hard times
  3. Blackouts
  4. Not being able to stop after one
  5. Work and/or relationships are being affected
  6. Attempts to stop drinking are not successful
  7. Friends comment on your drinking
  8. Most plans you make involve alcohol
  9. You yourself are worried you may be drinking too much
Drinking wine look out window
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How to Get Help #

The tell-tale signs are clear, but acknowledgment is key. This is first step and it’s a biggie, so don’t underestimate how important it is to be honest with yourself on this point.

Once you’ve decided you need help stopping, there are a few routes you can take.

Mallorca Drug Rehab and Alcohol Addiction Detox Centre

The facility has 30 years of experience, English-speaking doctors and staff, a sea view location and is reasonably priced.

Telephone: +34 663 687 048

Aa grou meeting circle

Alcoholics Anonymous #

Alcoholics Anonymous is also very present on the island. There are eight different locations on the island and at least one meeting per day. There are meetings in Palma, Magaluf, Alcudia, Manacor, and Porto Pollença.

More Info: aameetingsinmallorca.org

Also remember you’ve got friends and loved ones who want to see you healthy and happy. Take love and support from them, as they will be willing to give it freely. Don’t suffer alone. Please, get help.









1 octubre, 2019

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