Grow It Yourself!

5 agosto 2019

From prepping your plot to harvest time – we let you in on the secrets of vegetable gardening

“I grow plants for many reasons: to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty, for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow.” – David Hobson

In this ongoing series, we will walk with you step by step through the making of a backyard raised and potted herb and vegetable patch. Each step is documented and is designed in the hope that you will be able to replicate, or improve upon, what we have done. There are successes and failures, surprises and unexpected developments, and also solutions to the hiccups we encountered.

The five steps we cover are:

  1. Prepping
  2. Planting
  3. Growing
  4. Harvesting
  5. Summary

Grow It Yourself : Prepping Your Garden - Part 1

First, we build the beds.

Click here to read more
Raised Bed Grow Your Own Garden

Grow It Yourself : Planting - Part 2

Here, we talk seeds...

Click here to read more
Farmers Hand Planting Seeds Soi

Grow It Yourself: Growing Season - Part 3

First Tastes of the Season

Click here to read more
Grow it yourself salad

Grow It Yourself: Harvest Time - Part 4

Delicious Bounty is in Reach

Click here to see more
Grow it yourself part 4 UNADJUSTEDNONRAW thumb 258a

Our Mallorcan Garden: Grow It Yourself - Summary

What I Would Do Differently

Click here to learn more
Grow your own garden final 3

Gardens like this are amazing in that they need very little space and don’t cost a lot to get started. They also are great for people who don’t have a lot of practice or confidence in gardening… or a lot of time. The workload is minimal, but the rewards are great, so give it try! GIY!

#GIY #Growityourself #mallorcagardens #mallorcavegetablegardens #mallorcagrowingseason #whattogrowmallorca #howtoplantagarden #raisedbedgardens #growingherbsmallorca

5 agosto, 2019


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