COVID19 Phases of Spain’s Lockdown Exit Strategy

30 abril 2020

"By the end of June, as a country we will be in the new normality if the evolution of the epidemic is under control in all territories" - Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez

After 6 weeks of lockdown, the Spanish government submitted a first draft of what they call their Transition Plan Towards a New Normality. It will take place in phases, and many details remain to be defined, so for the time being we can only give you the basic outline. Come back and check out our website regularly. We will keep you posted.

On May 4, all territories will enter Phase 0, and given the low number of infections in Formentera, the Balearics, Gomera, El Hierro and Graciosa as well as in the Canary Islands, these will enter Phase 1 shortly after.

With a view to the incubation time of the coronavirus, there will be a minimum of two weeks between each phase to make sure it is safe to take the next step. If the Government decides it isn’t, they can and will extend this period to six weeks (or more). The dates given below can therefore only be considered a rough guideline and will apply only if things go well.

Children Are Allowed Back Out

This is the Government’s test: If infection rates won’t increase by easing curfew restrictions for kids, the next steps can be taken.

Click here for the rules to observe
Drawing rainbows on windows2 min

Time Allocations for Outdoor Activity #

On Thursday, April 30th, Spain’s Minister of Health Salvador Illa announced the plan for adults to be allowed outside after a long indoor quarantine due to COVID 19. To make this simple, here’s the synopsis. Before you read further, please note: the time of day only pertains to municipalities with over 5,000 residents. The restrictions for limited interaction (social distancing) remain no matter where you live.

All kinds of sports are allowed as long as they are practiced individually to all for social distancing. The regulations for cyclists are confusing but the gist is solo cycling is permitted only in the one km radius of home. The big challenge – if a cyclist crashes and need medical assistance, that person risks infection.


  • When: 6 a.m.-10 a.m. and 8 p.m. – 11 p.m.
  • What: 1-hour of any outdoor activity except swimming in the sea or a community pool, either alone or with one member of the household, 1- kilometre from home and NOT allow the resident to leave the municipality.


  • When: Noon to 7 p.m.
  • What: 1-hour any outdoor activity except swimming in the sea or a community pool, either alone or with parent, 1-kilometre from home and NOT allow the resident to leave the municipality. Remember, not even dipping toes into the water. For more, read >> COVID19 Kids Allowed Back Out


  • When: 10 a.m. – noon or 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • What: 1-hour walks, either alone or with parent, 1-kilometre from home and NOT allow the resident to leave the municipality

PHASE 0 (May 4th) #

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Palma City Flats

PHASE 1 (May 11th) #

The opening of small businesses and shops (but not shopping malls) will be allowed depending on the situation in each particular Region, with special opening times for those over 65 years of age. Bars and restaurants will be allowed to open their outdoor spaces, with guests occupying a maximum of 30% of their normal capacity. Tourist accommodations can also re-open under certain conditions.

Churches may also re-open as long as the 30% rule is respected. As for sports, there are considerations to re-open training centres provided enhanced hygiene measures are being taken, but the final word has not been said here yet.

Shops closed calle sindicat palma min


Indoor spaces bigger than 70 m², e.g. of bars and restaurants, cinemas, theatres will be re-opened, also up to a maximum of 30% of their usual capacity and provided the required hygienic measures will be observed. The same applies to museums and exposition spaces.

Cultural events may take place with less than 50 participants in indoor spaces and less than 400 participants in outdoor spaces, provided everyone has a seat and the 30% rule is being observed.

Fishing and hunting will be allowed, and there will be less restrictions and physical activities.

Although general reopening of schools is not envisioned before September, there will be special assistance classes for children with learning difficulties, for students to complete their university application processes and exams, as well as childcare for under six year olds whose parents work in jobs that do not allow for home office.

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This is the last phase before reaching the “new normality”.

There is flexibility of freedom of movement. Shopping malls and shops may allow up to 50% of their usual capacity of customers into their shops, provided the minimum safety distance of 2 metres is being kept. Restaurants and bars may also increase their capacity.


Start of the so-called „new normality“.

Empty streets palma de mallorca min

Criteria to Meet #

The Spanish Ministry of Health has defined the following criteria for allowing their exit strategy to progress from one phase to the next:

  1. Overloading the strategic capacities of the medical system must be prevented.
  2. The epidemiological situation in each respective region must be taken into consideration through diagnostics and identification of chains of infection
  3. The protection measures must be observed in shops and other businesses, the public transport system, at work and generally in all public spaces.
  4. Also, economic and mobility data will be taken into account.
People walking palma wearing masks min

Discipline and Hygiene #

With the new freedom these phases will afford us step by step it is crucial to keep observing the rules of social distancing. It is not mandatory to wear a mask, but strongly recommended. And please, don’t forget to wash your hands frequently, especially when you get back home.

Take care, stay safe!


#COVID19 #Lockdown #ExitStrategy #Balearics #Mallorca #Majorca

30 abril, 2020


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