Compassion in Times of Coronavirus

20 abril 2020

No one has ever become poorer by giving. - Anne Frank

Miracles happen in times like these. Our yoga teacher, in “normal” life a strictly non-technical person who uses an archaic machine on its last legs to play us the Surya Namscar mantra for our Salutations to the Sun, has gone digital overnight and now offers online classes via her Zoom account. As if this wasn’t amazing enough, it’s the spirit of togetherness I felt in our first session together that really touched me.

During our feedback round at the end of the class we talked about how each of us tried to make the best of the lockdown, some using the time for spring cleaning, others enjoying the peace and quiet it afforded them, when suddenly Annie (name changed) burst into tears. “I’m so sorry to spoil the mood”, she apologized, “but my father died and I couldn’t even go to England to attend the funeral. And now I’m so worried about my mother and can’t be at her side.”

Her words did indeed cause an atmospheric shift, but in a positive way. The conversation that ensued suddenly gained a new depth and feeling of compassion and kindness, as we shared our stories of hardship and sorrow, but also of love and hope. In the intimacy of virtual space, social distancing became irrelevant. I am sure I’m not the only one who, after the session, felt grateful for our blessings.

Woman crying

Our WhatsApp Support Group and Other Creative Kindnesses #

Last summer, when COVID-19 and “Corona” was still considered a cool brand of beer drunk direct from the bottle after pushing a slice of lemon through its neck, we created what we called our “Support Group” on WhatsApp to help each other in all kinds of practical ways like when somebody needed a ride to Son Espases or to the garage, lend a pet-loving hand to feed their cats over the weekend or to cook a healthy meal for someone who was down with the flue. What a wonderful invention this has turned out to be in these past weeks. Giving and receiving help has welded us together into what feels not so much as “a group”, but a family.

From many friends all over the island I hear about similar initiatives – the young and healthy running errands and doing the shopping for neighbours who are considered part of the risk groups. People are reading to their friends’ children via video calls to keep them entertained and give their parents a break. Musicians are stepping out on their balconies and treating their neighbours to free concerts. Our friend, Joan Valent coordinated a beautiful effort of Musicians of the Balearics to play the most gorgeous music and provide those of us quarantined in other parts of the world with the sounds we miss so much.

To watch this video, click this link >> Quatre Illes

People with skills in cooking, baking, crafting, knitting, sewing posting videos to teach others their skills. The digital generation reaching out to the tech dinosaurs to help them learn to walk in a world where we all depend on state-of-the-art means of communication to stay in touch with each other.

One day, when looking back on COVID-19, this new sense of community will be one of the things I will remember – the openheartedness of people, their kindness, compassion and readiness to help; and also the creativity they show in making the best of the lockdown to give back to the community big time.

Delivery to Son Espaces


Doing good not only helps the lives of the less fortunate, but the helpers' lives as well.

You are looking for opportunities to give back? Click here to find out how and where to get involved in Mallorca.
Joy Ron Foundation min

Sources #

  • personal experience
  • Michael Hewitt

20 abril, 2020


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