Autumn Detox

27 octubre 2023

Autumn shows how beautiful it is to let things go. ~ Unknown

I don’t know about you, but I had one heck of a summer. Endless beach, pool and dinner parties, BBQs, vacations, drinks do’s… you know, the endless social parade that often goes along with the summer months. Whilst I wouldn’t change a single second of it, I do feel like it’s time to get back into some sort of sane routine, and that includes a bit of personal housecleaning.

Yes, I’m talking about getting off the crazy train and onto the merry-go-round when it comes to matters of health. Autumn is the ideal time for this, as it’s a natural transitional period, one that takes us from the overheated exuberance of summer into a cosier period marked by cooler temps and a slower pace.

Affordable Mallorca has a few ideas and suggestions about what you can do specifically for autumn to pave the way to your new, healthier cool weather lifestyle.

Detox autumn woman holding cup of tea

What To Eat and Drink #

Many nutritionists and health coaches believe that autumn is the time to focus on lungs and large intestine. If these two organs are fortified now, the chances of suffering from winter maladies is reduced. They also believe that eating foods native to the season, whatever time of year, is the most healthful way to go.

Harvest time offers a vast array of cleansing and energising superfoods that help boost your vitality and are easily found in local farmer’s markets.

  • Beetroot, pumpkin, winter squash, artichoke, winter greens such as kale and chard and mother’s favourites Brussel sprouts are tops on the veggie front.
  • Pomegranate, apples, pears and figs make the cut for fruits.
  • Warming spices should be added to dishes to help your body make the transition from summer to autumn. There is a reason that ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves are perennial fall favourites…they support good digestion and respiration.
  • Making brews and infusions from fenugreek, anise, black radish (which is also delicious raw), turmeric and dandelion are also highly recommended this time of year.

In general, a shift from eating the raw and cooling foods of summer to foods that are cooked will prepare your body for short days and colder temps. Cutting down on refined sugar and flour, caffeinated beverages and booze is also encouraged, but these tips are true of any time of the year.

Pommegranates healthy lifestyle autumn detox mallorca

What to Do #

If you’re going to start eating better, you may as well go whole hog and start doing things that support well-being as well.

As it gets dark earlier, going to bed earlier (by 22h) is suggested as a way to repair cells and rejuvenate your body overall, lessening the chances of catching winter nasties.

Gentle activity is also thought to be excellent this season, but if you’re not the kind to suit up for 6h jogs, don’t despair! There are several things you can do to get moving that don’t involve blood, sweat and tears and that are far more pleasurable pastimes when it’s not scorching hot. Raking leaves for example, or taking bike rides with your family or friends, wandering through a farmer’s market, nature walks or hikes, horse riding, and outdoor yoga are all fun ways to get outside and get active.

These types of occupations also helps make up for the decline in naturally produced vitamin D from sun exposure that occurs this time of year as we have less daylight hours to spend outside.

Following these few simple tips can help ease your transition from summer to autumn, prepare your body for the winter, and make you feel great, too.

Cat sleeping in bed autumn detox

Sample 5-Day Detox Meal Plan #

This is one of my favourites because you eat real food and it's chock full of nutrients.

Drink four pints of room temperature water with four cucumber slices in each glass every day to cleanse your system. Avoid alcohol and caffeine and stick to herbal teas. Don’t feel restricted by the diet for the length of time. If you only want to do a day or two of this once a month, it’s fine. This is just for those who want a serious jump-start to a healthier autumn!

Day 1

  • First thing: glass of cucumber or lemon water
  • Breakfast: raspberry tea. 3tbsp cleansing muesli with skimmed milk (see recipe below)
  • Mid-morning: glass of cucumber water
  • Lunch: cleansing salad with 1tbsp dressing (see recipe below)
  • Mid-afternoon: banana and almond smoothie (see recipe below)
  • Dinner: ½ melon. Spinach soup with vegetables (see recipe below)

Day 2

  • First Thing: glass of cucumber or lemon water
  • Breakfast: raspberry tea. 3tbsp cleansing muesli with skimmed milk
  • Mid-morning: raspberry tea
  • Lunch: cleansing salad with 1tbsp dressed and ½ avocado, sliced
  • Mid-afternoon: banana and almond smoothie
  • Dinner: ½ melon. Fresh tomato soup with vegetables

Day 3

  • First Thing: glass of cucumber or lemon water
  • Breakfast: raspberry tea. 3tbsp cleansing muesli with skimmed milk
  • Mid-morning: raspberry tea
  • Lunch: cleansing salad with 1tbsp dressing, 6 crushed walnuts and a dash of walnut oil
  • Mid-afternoon: 1 slice wholemeal bread spread with 2tbsp peanut butter
  • Dinner: ½ melon. Carrot and coriander soup with vegetables

Day 4

  • First Thing: glass of cucumber or lemon water
  • Breakfast: raspberry tea. 3tbsp cleansing muesli with a few blueberries and 1tbsp plain bio yogurt
  • Mid-morning: raspberry tea
  • Lunch: banana and almond smoothie
  • Mid-afternoon: 2 pumpkin seed Ryvita spread with 1tbsp peanut butter
  • Dinner: ½ melon. Baked salmon fillet with steamed spinach

Day 5

  • First Thing: glass cucumber or lemon water
  • Breakfast: raspberry tea. 3tbsp cleansing muesli with ½ apple, grated, and 1tbsp plain bio yogurt
  • Mid-morning: raspberry tea
  • Lunch: raw vegetable sticks (carrot, radish, cucumber, cauliflower) with low-fat humus
  • Mid-afternoon: banana and almond smoothie
  • Dinner: ½ melon. Asparagus soup with vegetables
Banana almond smoothie recipe


Cleansing Muesli – Mix 10tbsp plain oats, 2tbsp toasted flaked almonds, 2tbsp toasted hazelnuts, 3tbsp pumpkin seeds and 3tbsp sunflower seeds and keep in an airtight container. This makes enough for 5 days. Add skimmed milk and fruits and berries.

Banana and Almond Smoothie – Whizz 200ml skimmed milk, 1 banana, 1tbsp ground almonds, 1tbsp plain bio yogurt and 2tsp honey (optional) in a blender and drink immediately.

Evening Soup with Vegetables – Use shop-bought fresh soup for the base, then add a selection of steamed vegetables (including carrots, cauliflower, courgettes, broad beans and peas) and 2 boiled baby new potatoes. Heat through with the soup and serve.

Cleansing Salad – Combine a selection of salad leaves, such as rocket, lambs lettuce, etc., shredded raw white cabbage, shredded red cabbage, large handful baby spinach, 1 carrot, grated or in batons, 1 head of chicory, sliced, 1 beetroot, grated or sliced, 2 celery sticks, sliced thinly, few raw cauliflower florets.

Salad Dressing – Shake 2tbsp pure olive oil, 1tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1tsp wholegrain mustard, 1tsp honey, ground black pepper and grated zest of ½ lemon together in a jar and refrigerate.

Sources #

#seasonalcleanse #fallcleanse #autumncleanse #autumndetox #falldetox #seasonaldetox #ayurvedicdetoxificationtreatment

27 octubre, 2023


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