Public Transport on Mallorca

9 abril 2024

A developed country (or island) is not a place where the poor have cars, it's where the rich ride public transportation. ~ Anonymous

Plaza Espana Palma de Mallorca Spain

Public transport is often looked down upon by those with their own means of travel. The simultaneous sound of tutting fills the bus shelter, as the driver arrives five minutes late or the constant chatter of business people on their mobiles raises the eyebrows of fellow passengers sandwiched like sardines on the railway coach. Yes, it doesn’t appear the most glamorous way to travel, or the most relaxing. However, here on the island of Mallorca we are lucky enough to benefit from a great service on both the railways and buses, as well as an army of fabulous taxi drivers across the island.

Public transport mallorca 2

The city of Palma operates two bus services:

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On a bus your eyes, ears and pores are absorbing in the variety, the wonder and the magic of the city. It’s a wonderful way to get to know a place.’- George Takei

The Train #

Train and Rail System in Mallorca

Perks for Residents #

Taxis may not seem the most affordable option for most people, and as a solo traveller, they rarely are. However, when doubling, tripling or quadrupling the number of passengers, taxi travel can be a great option! All taxi ranks across the island list ‘approximate’ costs for journeys to various destinations. Use this as a rough guide to work out the cost per passenger. You may well have a pleasant surprise when you see that it is similar, if not better, than the bus or train!

Bus in palma

For the whole of last year, I relied solely on public transport. It took me a little while to figure out the system, but soon I became quite an expert in finding my way around. My personal impression is: Venturing across Mallorca is as easy as pie, whether you choose rail or road. Sure, it does take a little longer than going by car, but you might be surprised by how much you'll enjoy travelling in this eco-friendlier and climate-saving way.

Susnet autumn train station Photo Adele Chretien

Potential Discounts for De-registering Your Car #

An incentive to use public transportation, the latest Balearic Government coalition has approved a plan to provide public transportation discount cards if a resident de-registers her car. While this is not operational, this supports the latest environmental plan to move toward a lighter carbon footprint. We'll keep you posted when this becomes law.

#Bus #Train# Taxi# Rail# Road# Mallorca #Discount #Resident #Palma #TIB #EMT #Travel #Carhire #Rentacar #Manacor #Inca #SaPobla #Marratxi #Binissalem #Consell #Santamaria #Lloseta #Muro #Sineu

9 abril, 2024

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