Are There Really Great White Sharks in the Balearics?

1 agosto 2020

I could barely contain my excitement when I read breaking news of a Great White photographed off the east coast of Mallorca. Sightings of sharks are rare. Those of Great Whites even rarer still. Their presence in Spanish waters is documented, though. They have been spotted off the coasts of Costa Brava, Levante and Catalonia. But contrary to the general feeling, as with most of the other 46 shark species populating the Mediterranean Sea, the Great White does not pose a threat to humans. Only one fatal attack was ever recorded in the Balearics. It happened in 1912, when the Governor of Cabrera fell into the water off the Isle of Cabrera, and, well… That is exactly where this Great White was spotted.

Basking Shark 2

Will I be eaten alive?! #

Let's have a look at the facts: Sightings of sharks are rare. Those of Great Whites even rarer, although their presence in Spanish waters is well documented. Spottings have been recorded off the coasts of Costa Brava, Levante and Catalonia. But contrary to what movies, my (sub)conscious fears and the general feeling suggests, the Great White does not pose a threat to humans. Only one fatal attack was ever recorded in the Balearics – and this was way back. It happened in 1912, when the Governor of Cabrera fell into the water off the Isle of Cabrera …

Well… isn't that is exactly where this Great White was spotted?!

So you might be relieved when reading this: Since the first photos' release on June 29th, two more sightings have been reported, one of which was off the east coast of Mallorca. In a video taken at this occasion, the shark can be viewed at closer range, and scientists give the 'All Clear': What was thought to be one of the biggest predators of the sea has some very fine, very large gills running from the top to the bottom of his head. It's NOT a Great White! It's a basking shark, one of three plankton-eating shark species. Despite their enormous size and threatening appearance, basking sharks are not aggressive and absolutely not interested in chewing up people.

So you might be relieved when reading this:

Since the first photos' release on June 29th, two more sightings have been reported, one of which was off the east coast of Mallorca. In a video taken at this occasion, the shark can be view at closer range, and scientists give the 'All Clear': What was thought to be one of the biggest predators of the sea has some very fine, very large gills running from the top to the bottom of his head. It's NOT a Great White! It's a basking shark, one of three plankton-eating shark species. Despite their enormous size and threatening appearance, basking sharks are not aggressive and absolutely not interested in chewing up people.

Shark Web Graphic Aquarium Pacific 750W 2


  • Cover Photo Credit: Gerald Schombs
#Mallorca #Majorca #sharks

1 agosto, 2020


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